Friday, November 13, 2009

Trip to the Oregon Coast

Spent a long weekend at the N. California/S. Oregon Coast with Casey & Nick who flew out from Philadelphia for a year-end get together (a stand-in for birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas). We were fortunate to have decent weather and set off to do some beachcombing but even the low tides were very high so there was no beach. The alternative attraction proved to be the waves cresting at 35 feet and smashing on the sea stacks all along the coast. The sight was so stunning that people just went to the shore to see the wave action.

Later we took a leisurely drive through the Stout Grove redwoods near Jedediah Smith S.P. and were amazed (yet again) by these ancient giants and the misty, mysterious and mossy Jurassic environment they inhabit. There's a damped quietness that fills the surrounding space; even as the cars and visitors trickle through in turn. Rosey had a serious attack of steelhead fever whenever we passed near the wild and scenic Smith River.
For the coastal portion of our holiday we stayed at Whaleshead Beach Resort and, as luck would have it, it was the perfect place to stay.